Monday, November 30, 2009


Done? Not Done, 5 More Colors Uncovered!

As Mike Strauss decided to clean out his cabinets 600 some odd real Code 3 Convention Baggie cars make their way to eBay. Among them the missing colors, weither they were made in limited numbers or one-off's that never made it outside his doors - here they are! Check out the photos and my non-sencical babb from 6 months ago below....

White is Here and I could be done?

Number 7 and I would have to say the possible end to the madness? End you say, well if obtaining a 1 of 10 is that easy then be it - otherwise this is the end, minus the RWB Bing...oHHs! Did I say Bingo Dairy, and am I talking to myself here? So many questions... just spit it out you mad man! hehehe Ok, the lucky seven Restion Dairy's are here and pose for a family photo.

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